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(mostly from jeff, cuz I run the web site. last updated 02/2/2002)
www.deoxy.org The universe is more alive than you know. You are more alive than you know.
Greens of the Ozarks resource list
Authors (Where to begin!?)
Jack Kerouac
Robert Anton Wilson
Alan Watts
As Americans we have the unfortunate privilege and luxury to ignore--temporarily--crises (global and otherwise) the effects of which are not immediately obvious to us in our crystal star palaces. There's everything at stake. There is no escaping connectedness. Cultivate harmony and compassion in the void.
Hit a button, send food to starving people
Hit a button, preserve some rainforest
Update: For complex reasons given in the book Road to Hell: The Ravaging Effects of Foreign Aid and International Charity
by Michael Maren, it appears that this type of aid is a bad idea. Instead, perhaps you should empower yourself via organizations like the ACLU, Amnesty International, and The Feminist Majority Foundation.
Bands we've jammed with and had a good time include the Ben Control, Electrolyte Foundation (wow!), S-Foil, Elite Monk Society Alpine Drive, Carbon Star, Avionic,
and Fly From August. Bands I (jeff) am digging right now include Built to Spill, Erin Mckeown, The Polyphonic Spree, Tripping Daisy, Weezer, Bob Marley, Jack Kerouac (readings, jazz haiku), Rainer Maria, Cap'n Jazz!, The Get Up Kids, Modest Mouse, Radiohead, Marcy Playground, Neil Young...The list could go on forever.
And check out Captain Tulip and Friends for obvious reasons.
Web Resources
Becki's Land of Local Music
www.addme.com Free search engine submission site.
www.indie-music.com Resources for independent musicians.
www.tourdates.com Sometimes we list our dates here, but sure as hell don't count on it.