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When Where Who
Friday, Feb 8 Triple Aqua Party at Ran's House The Pooches at 10, Floob at 11
Evil Floob says: I hate Floob. If you hate Floob too, here's directions to the party so you can kick thier ass. From National Avenue, turn west on Walnut. You will pass one street, Florence. It is the second house before you make it to the second street. It has a blacklight on the front porch. If you pass Ebbett's Field, you've gone too far. Thier will be a band, the Pooches playing at ten. Floob goes on at 11. Love, Evil Floob
Thursday, Feb 21 Nathan P Murphy's, Springfield MO Floob w/ Ben Control
218 S Campbell, McDaniel bus station parking lot, 863-1909
Saturday, March 2 First Unitarian Universalist Church, Springfield, MO Jon & Jeff (Floob, Captain Tulip and Friends), other musicians & poets
Acoustic show on a "coffeehouse" nite "to raise money to support our youth programs--particularly to help pay for training for another facilitator for our sex ed program." 2434 E Battlefield, 883-3922
Saturday, March 9 Carroll's Pub, Springfield, MO S-Foil w/ 13 Stars (OK City) and Floob
Floob at 9:30
Saturday, April 20 ? @ Rolla, MO lineup tba
Some kind of benefit. Details tba
Thursday, April 25 Amnesty International Freedom Fest 2002, SMSU Bearpaw, Springfield, MO as of 2/6/02, lineup is Angry Panda, Thee Fine Lines, The Ladykillers, Mr. Punch, Useless w/o, Letch, S-Foil, Floob, Nimbus
Floob from 8:00 to 9:30. All-ages. Free

Bring your poetry, your noise, your spacial spectrums, your games, twister, William S. Burroughs, your pets (wait no...they might have to pay to get in), your hands, feet, and gollosha-ma-tots. It's an all night Floob boober-bab-boober-bub night with musak written for all the animal creaturerers. Freak out like you're not sposeta.

Old groovy fliers that we know you like:
September 1
August 26
July 21, quarter sheet
July 21, full sheet
March 2, 2001

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